Contents  1/2007    Contents  2/2007    Contents  3/2007 

Vladimiras Graźulis:  Editorial.

Jaroslava Hyršlová, Jan Vávra, Marie Bednaříková: 
Occupation Health and Safety in Work and Their Influence upon the Company Performance (Czech).
[abstract]   [article]

Denis Jelačić, Viera Galajdová, Andrea Sujová: 
Employees Satisfaction in Wood Processing Plants in Slovakia and Croatia.
[abstract]   [article]

Robert Sedmák, Miloš Hitka: 
Dynamics of Changes of Selected Antrophometric Attributes of Slovak Population (Slovak).
[abstract]   [article]

Renata Stasiak Betlejewska, Stanisław Borkowski: 
Influence of the Informatization on the Level of Employment in Banks on the Example of Poland.
[abstract]   [article]

Dana Stredáková: 
Knowledge as a Competitive Weapon of Knowledge Management, Tool of Managers.
[abstract]   [article]

Jozef Suchomel, Katarína Belanová, Mária Vlčková: 
Occupational Diseases and Vibration Illness in Wood Forestry and in Slovak Republic (Slovak).
[abstract]   [article]

Edita Szombathyová: 
Telework and Working Conditions (Slovak).
[abstract]   [article]

Martina Blašková: 
Review of monograph of prof. Ing. Josef Koubek, CSc.:
Human Resource Management. Fundamentals of Modern Personal Management (Slovak).

Jaroslava Hyršlová, Jan Vávra, Marie Bednaříková: 
Occupation Health and Safety in Work and Their Influence upon the Company Performance (Czech).
[contents]   [article]
The aim of the paper is discuss the query of occupational health and safety and their influence on the corporate economic performance. The paper is concerned with the aspects of costs related to the occupational health and safety. Attention is dedicated particularly to categorization of these costs. In a great many cases, it is expedient to monitor, evaluate and provide both external and internal users with data on the health and safety costs – i.e. use them to support decision-making processes. Occupational health and safety is an important element of the social pillar of sustainable development. In order to understand the social aspects of sustainable development, it is necessary that the corporation be aware of the importance of human resources for its present and future success. The people in the company and their potential form the basis for this success. In this connection, an important role is played by the aspect of occupational safety and health protection, which constitutes a necessary (but not sufficient) condition for exploitation of this potential.

Denis Jelačić, Viera Galajdová, Andrea Sujová: 
Employees Satisfaction in Wood Processing Plants in Slovakia and Croatia.
[contents]   [article]
This research was conducted to establish and to analyze the level of satisfaction of employees in wood processing and furniture manufacturing companies in Slovak Republic and in the Republic of Croatia. Research was conducted using method of survey. In three survey questionnaires total of 14 questions were asked. Questionnaire had questions regarding relationships among employees within work environment. Total of 800 production workers and 60 management and administrative employees were surveyed in 3 companies of wood processing and furniture manufacturing in Croatia and total of 100 production workers and 40 management and administrative employees were surveyed in Slovakian enterprises. Production workers and management in Slovakia and Croatia both, are most displeased with their salaries and with possibilities for those salaries to grow. Production results are highly dependable on employees satisfaction, so this kind of research is necessary if wood processing and furniture manufacturing company wants to increase the production results and competitive strength on international market.

Robert Sedmák, Miloš Hitka: 
Dynamics of Changes of Selected Antrophometric Attributes of Slovak Population (Slovak).
[contents]   [article]
Statistical survey and time trend analysis of a selected antrophometric measures of Slovak mature population was done. The selected measures are important for optimal workplace arrangement proposals. The results showed that the changes in values and medians over considered time period were statistically non-significant. Therefore no time trend exists over the investigated time period for all monitored quantities. The change dynamics of selected antrophometric measures is small and random and the requirement of extremely short monitoring cycle is not actual.

Renata Stasiak Betlejewska, Stanisław Borkowski: 
Influence of the Informatization on the Level of Employment in Banks on the Example of Poland.
[contents]   [article]
Changes, which took place on the bank market in Poland in the sequence of a few last years, not only influenced the staffing level, but also changed the approach of banks towards workers. One of factors, which influenced changes described in this article, there is a computerization of the bank sector. In the article, research findings of workers concerning employing the level and the productivity of banks were presented in Poland.

Dana Stredáková: 
Knowledge as a Competitive Weapon of Knowledge Management, Tool of Managers.
[contents]   [article]
There is a huge amount of knowledge in any organization. People at all levels have accumulated knowledge about what customers want, about how best to design products and processes, about what has worked in the past and what has not. The article is focused on turning our attention to knowledge, to focus less on what we own and more on what we know, to knowledge, sharing of knowledge as a competitive weapon, generally about knowledge management. One of the most talked-about business developments of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. When people talk about knowledge management, the conversation often devolves into highly abstract and philosophical statements. But there is a real world of knowledge management – a world of budgets, deadlines, office politics, organizational leadership, and quality.

Jozef Suchomel, Katarína Belanová, Mária Vlčková: 
Occupational Diseases and Vibration Illness in Wood Forestry and in Slovak Republic (Slovak).
[contents]   [article]
This article deals with the occupational diseases analysis in forestry during the years 2000-2005. There are two of the most frequently occupational diseases analyzed: vibration illness and professional deafness. This work was pointed at the share of the forestry at the total number of occupational diseases in Slovakia. The vibration illness is the most occurred disease in forestry. Interesting is, that forestry has 33 % share of total vibration illness occurrence in Slovakia.

Edita Szombathyová: 
Telework and Working Conditions (Slovak).
[contents]   [article]
It is necessary to respect ergonomic requirements for workplace, work equipment and work environment factors as equivalent with technical and economical requirements already in the point of workplace projecting. Only this is the possible way to ensure optimal, reliable, and safety function of the system human-machine-environment. These principles must be aimed also at modern forms of work organization that is also telework. The document points out advantages and disadvantages of this form of work activity as well as the need to pay attention to relationship of telework and environment.