Contents  2/2007    Contents  1/2007     Contents  3/2007

Martina Blašková:  Editorial  (Slovak).

Joanna Rosak, Stanislaw Borkowski: 
The Influence of Resources on the Quality of Medical Services from the Workers of the Health Care in Poland Perspective.
[abstract]   [article]

Jana Matošková, Aleš Gregar: 
The Importance of Mentoring in Managerial Skills Development (Czech).
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Renáta Myšková: 
Balanceed Scorecard Method – Managerial Method for Management (Czech).
[abstract]   [article]

Marek Potkány: 
Controlling Management System in Human Resource Management (Slovak).
[abstract]   [article]

Alena Ilavská, Jozef Babiak: 
Outsourcing in Higher Education?
[abstract]   [article]

Eva Nábělková, Miloš Hitka: 
Choice of Suitable Proceeding in Statistical Analysis of Motivation Factors in a Company (Slovak).
[abstract]   [article]

Renata Stasiak Betlejewska, Jacek Selejdak: 
Contemporary Portrait of the Manager in the Context of Managing the Quality in the Enterprise.
[abstract]   [article]

Martina Kornfeldová, Zdeněk Brodský: 
Managerial Ethics and Employees Recruitment Applied in East-Czech Region (Czech).
[abstract]   [article]

Jozef Suchomel, Katarína Belanová: 
Analysis and Tendency of Work Accident in Harvesting Process (Slovak).
[abstract]   [article]

 Abstracts  1/2007   

Joanna Rosak, Stanislaw Borkowski: 
The Influence of Resources on the Quality of Medical Services from the Workers of the Health Care in Poland Perspective.
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A pressure of society demanding high quality from medical provisions increased especially after the entrance health care reforms. The growing interest in this subject matter appeared on the providers’ side too that in the face of growing rivalry on the market of medical services more often aim at the optimisation the quality of the patient care and the improvement in efficiency of offered services. It was showed in the article that human resources on which both the quality of provided services and the client’s/patient's satisfaction depend was the most important resource in every organization.

Jana Matošková, Aleš Gregar: 
The Importance of Mentoring in Managerial Skills Development (Czech).
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One of the factors that can facilitate the process of so-called managerial ripening is the support of one’s mentor. The mentor is an experienced adviser who stimulates a beginner manager and helps them. Mentoring can come to grief because of a whole range of potential problems. However, successful mentoring can be of benefit not only to the mentee, but to the mentor and the organization itself too.

Renáta Myšková: 
Balanceed Scorecard Method – Managerial Method for Management of Strategies (Czech).
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The speed of changes in business environment urges company’s management into dynamic definitions of companies’ goals and into their periodic modifications. There is condition of approximation and achievement there goals. There companies can be a success in the market. The results of empirical studies reflect the change of company’s strategy twice a year. This article is focused on the application of method Balanced Scorecard that is introduced and used in the Czech companies too.

Marek Potkány: 
Controlling Management System in Human Resource Management (Slovak).
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The main aim of this paper is to present the basic substantial of controlling. This is needed for understanding the signification of personal controlling in the area of managing human resources. Its main task is to manage personal activities by the reporting of personal standards and indicators. The others very important factors of successful human resources management are to implementation of personal auditing and quality answering report.

Alena Ilavská, Jozef Babiak: 
Outsourcing in Higher Education?
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New society faces a new challenge - the information society. It is certain that the ability to handle knowledge, information and communication will be a very important parameter for Universities to develop, succeed and survive in the new century. Global education should enable students, by means of appropriate knowledge and abilities, to act with responsibility in the complex interconnections of global society. Global education is not a new subject, but a comprehensive guiding principle for teaching at all levels. Global Education is learning for the future. Being fit for global society does not only mean having a knowledge of English and computers but to be able to enter the labour market. Global education will encourage people and empower them to be active in forming world society, creating conditions world-wide for solidarity in thinking and acting. It aims at the development of that cognitive, social and practical competence which we need in order to lead a fulfilled and responsible life, even under the complex conditions of a world which is becoming ever more interwoven.Global education is oriented towards an integral and participative process of learning. A variety of methods and change of perspective should help towards a better comprehension of complexity, to the acceptance of uncertainties and insoluble contradictions and help in learning how to deal with them. E-ducation as a platform for delivering knowlege can reached the way of new trends. We know that internationalisation has led to unification of education systems. Accordingly, efforts are being made to achieve a globally uniform system of education. We have to take into the consideration that the economy is increasingly switching over from an input-orientation to an output - orientation. In the days of input-orientation work was measured on the basis of time. Employees were payd on the basis of their time at the workplace, rarely for their produktivity. Output-oriented means that tasks are laid down in a target agreement and it is not longer relevant how much time it takes to perform them. Faster can be paid better than slow one. We all need to spend less time on performing a specific tasks and reaching specific goals.
Education sector is not exemption. Teaching has been and still is measured in hours per week. In Europe now measuring units switching to ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) points. Through this system even academic work is recognised across borders and students can get credits for wor done in another country or university. So it means that Distance learning and e-learning start to be measurable through ECTS points and may not require any contact hours at all. We can say that distance learning becames measurable and fully compatible with face to face teaching. In order to be able to follow mentioned stratgy we need for e-learning as simple system as possible and to be oriented on the content which is the most important part of the virtual system. Simple system allow both parts - teachers and at the same time to students to study the best ideas and to discuss it throug the system.

Eva Nábělková, Miloš Hitka: 
Choice of Suitable Proceeding in Statistical Analysis of Motivation Factors in a Company (Slovak).
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A goal of this paper is to suggest and check valid mathematical and statistical method focusing on employees typology according to prefered motivation factors. Practical effect from this suggest should be ability to construct differentiated motivation programme which will be specifically focused on particular employees groups with the similar motivation profile. The chosen statistical techniques (factor analysis, hierarchical and unhierarchical cluster analysis),respectively their combination were applied on data from potential motivation factors reached by the questionnaire. In this paper, we analyse relevant factors of working motivation by 3 various mathematical and statistical methods which will lead to employees typology. We suggest method which contains the following steps: 1. elimination of so called distant surveys from analysis, 2. application of factor analysis because of identification mutual uncorrelation dimensions (motivation factors), 3. application of unhierarchical cluster analysis on factor score assessed on the base of factor analysis, 4.validization of the reached employees typology by the replication of cluster analysis.

Renata Stasiak Betlejewska, Jacek Selejdak: 
Contemporary Portrait of the Manager in the Context of Managing the Quality in the Enterprise.
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Contemporary manager, standing in the face of dynamic social and economic transformations, has to be characterized by not only determined leadership qualities, but he should also have the knowledge and abilities of motivating of different workers. The need of professional improving is an indispensable element of improving the continuous operation as part of managing with quality. In this field, extremely automatic motivation is also an important problem, which is contributing the essential contribution to creating and the realization of the politics of the quality in the enterprise.

Martina Kornfeldová, Zdeněk Brodský: 
Managerial Ethics and Employees Recruitment Applied in East-Czech Region (Czech).
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Problematika získávání pracovníků je nedílnou a velmi důležitou součástí řízení lidských zdrojů. Cílem tohoto příspěvku je čtenáře blíže seznámit s výsledky průzkumu Etické aspekty v řízení lidských zdrojů, který proběhl v minulosti a jehož nedílnou součástí byla také problematika příjímání zaměstnanců.

Jozef Suchomel, Katarína Belanová: 
Analysis and Tendency of Work Accident in Harvesting Process (Slovak).
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This article presents some results of the work accident analysis realised during the years 2000 – 2005 at forest enterprise Lesy SR, š.p. The individual part is pointed to biotropical influence of the weather on fatality figure occurrence. There is another one part treating with the influence of increasing delivery works volume on the work accidents occurrence in the article. These analyses were evaluated in particular phases and activities of harvesting process. The results can be utilised in forest practice, for optimization of harvesting process, accident risk considering, in the insurance practice.