Assoc. Prof. Miloš Hitka, PhD.
Technical University in Zvolen, Slovak Republic
Technical University in Zvolen,
Faculty of Wood Sciences and Technology,
Department of Enterprise Management,
T. G. Masaryka 24,
960 53 Zvolen,
Slovak Republic,,
Date of Birth:
Work experience:
1988 – 1996:
Faculty of Wood Sciences and Technology, Technical University in Zvolen,
960 53 Zvolen, Slovak Republic; University researcher.
Since 1996:
Faculty of Wood Sciences and Technology, Technical University in Zvolen,
960 53 Zvolen, Slovak Republic; University lecturer and scientist.
Research interests:
Social sciences/behavioural sciences, ergonomics, job standardization.
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered:
Human resource management, management, motivation, ergonomics.
Education and qualification:
University (University of Forestry and Wood Technology in Zvolen, specialization:
Economics and Management of Wood-processing Industry, Slovak Republic).
Title PhD. (philosophiae doctor) (Technical University in Zvolen, Slovak Republic).
Associate Professor in field Economy and Management of Enterprise (University
of Matej Bel in Banská Bystrica, Slovak Republic).
Scientific activities and results:
Solver of the scientific project VEGA No. 1/1243/04 High-qualified Human
Potential Management and Development (2004 – 2006), granted by Ministry
of Education of Slovak Republic.
Deputy of chief-solver of the scientific project VEGA No. 1/4647/07 Dynamical
Model of Motivation of Human Potential (2007 – 2009), granted by Ministry
of Education of Slovak Republic.
Deputy of chief-solver of the scientific project VEGA No. 1/0067/11 Dynamics
and Content of Decision-making processes in Motivating Human Potential (2011 – 2013),
granted by Ministry of Education of Slovak Republic.
Solver of project KEGA No. 060-005TUZVO-4/2010 Economics and Management
of the Wood-processing Enterprises (2010 – 2012), granted by Ministry of
Education of Slovak Republic.
Guarantee of these subjects: Work science, Working Methods and Techniques,
Methods of Personnel Management, Ergonomics and Analyses of management of
production system.
His teaching and research activities are focusing on the area of human resource
management. He is author and co-author of 9 monographs and many university
In 2011 together with Assoc. Prof. Martina Blašková prepared
a scientific monograph “Model riadenia pracovnej motivácie v priemyselných
podnikoch” (in English: Model of Work Motivation Management in Industrial
Enterprises), published by Technical University in Zvolen, Slovak Republic,
171 p., ISBN 978-80-228-2296-1.
In 2009 he has wrote a scientific monograph “Model analýzy motivácie zamestnancov
výrobných podnikov” (in English: Model of Analysis of the Productive Enterprises
Employees’ Motivation), published by Technical University in Zvolen, 150 p., ISBN 978-80-228-1998-5.
He is a co-author of several collective monographs: “Riadenie a rozvoj vysokokvalifikovaného
ľudského potenciálu” (in English: Management and Development of High-qualified
Human Potential), published by Technical University in Zvolen, 2006, ISBN
80-228-1701-5, 121 p., author share 97%; “Podniková kultúra v riadení ľudských
zdrojov” (in English: Organisational Culture in Human Resource Management),
published by Technical University in Zvolen, 2010, ISBN 978-80-228-2151-3,
140 p, pp. 48-75.
He is a co-author of the university textbook with Slovak
relevancy: Galajdová, V. – Blašková, M. – Vetráková, M. – Hitka, M. – Kuchárová
Mačkayová, V. – Potkány, M. – Lejsková, P.: ”Rozvoj ľudských zdrojov I.”
(in English: Human Resource Development I.), published by Technical University
in Zvolen, 2007, 227 p., ISBN 978-80-228-1830-8.
He has been published 9 articles in the scientific journals registered in
international databases and in several scientific journals home and abroad.
Assoc. Prof. dr. Miloš HITKA has been a member of the scientific committees
of several international scientific conferences in Lithuania, Slovak Republic,
Czech Republic, and Poland, and member of the scientific boards of international
scientific journal HRM+E. He has been participating in the research and
exchange programs in Slovak Republic and Czech Republic.