Contents  1/2014     Contents  2/2014

Renáta Myšková:  Editorial.

Irena Bakanauskienė, Lina Žalpytė, Justina Vaikasienė: 
Employer’s Attractiveness: Employees’ Expectations vs. Reality in Lithuania.
[abstract]   [article]

Leila Bardaşuc, Silvana Nicoleta Muntean, Mircea Cosma: 
Influences of the Training Effectuated by Romanian Students Abroad Upon the Increase of Their Employment Opportunity and Performance at Multinational Organizations.
[abstract]   [article]

Marie Bednaříková, Michal Paták, Lenka Součková: 
Satisfaction of Company Employees.
[abstract]   [article]

Benedykt Bober: 
Human Resources Management in the Network Organization in the Conditions of the Reform of Health Service on the Example of Public Hospitals.
[abstract]   [article]

Gabriella Lovász: 
An Innovative Method in Hands of Human Resource Professionals.
[abstract]   [article]

Katarzyna Olejniczak, Justyna Majchrzak-Lepczyk: 
Social Responsibility as the Factor of Competitive Advantage of Public Entities.
[abstract]   [article]

Asta Savaneviciene, Zivile Stankeviciute: 
The Disclosure of Sustainability and Human Resource Management Linkage.
[abstract]   [article]

Andrius Valickas, Vladimiras Gražulis: 
Career Development in Civil Service: Theoretical Insights and Empirical Investigation.
[abstract]   [article]

José Luis Vázquez, Carlota L. Aza, Ana Lanero: 
Responsible Human Resources Management in the University – A View of Spanish Students.
[abstract]   [article]

Agata Wołowska: 
Determinants of Organizational Commitment.
[abstract]   [article]

 Abstracts  2/2014   

Irena Bakanauskienė, Lina Žalpytė, Justina Vaikasienė: 
Employer’s Attractiveness: Employees’ Expectations vs. Reality in Lithuania.
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The article deals with the topic of employer’s attractiveness from the perspective of current employees and presents the results of empirical research as well as theoretical and methodological backgrounds for its accomplishment. The goal of the research presented in this article is to determine whether the attributes of employer attractiveness in Lithuanian organizations are in line with the perceived expectations of their employees.
This goal has been reached by the set of objectives, which allow firstly, to define the concept of an attractive employer through perceived expectations of employees in Lithuania, then to identify what attributes of an attractive employer are inherent to Lithuanian organizations, and finally, to find out and discuss if and how the perceived expectations of employees are matching their real experience about an attractive employer in Lithuanian organizations. Also, the impact of employees’ demographical characteristics to the perception and real experience on employers’ attractiveness is disclosed.

Leila Bardaşuc, Silvana Nicoleta Muntean, Mircea Cosma: 
Influences of the Training Effectuated by Romanian Students Abroad Upon the Increase of Their Employment Opportunity and Performance at Multinational Organizations.
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The twenty-first century has brought to the attention of scientists and practitioners issues of utmost importance to address major fundamental problems inherited from the last century and other challenges posed by the great changes characteristic of today’s society and its future development directions.
In this scientific effort, methodic and practical, an increasingly important role is granted to higher education, the only one able to provide graduates trained professionals not only to integrate in the specific areas in which they operate, but especially to produce material and spiritual values capable to generate performance, progress and civilization. On this coordinate, the study examines an interesting aspect and increasingly present in higher education, not only in Romania, the correlation of training graduates to study abroad with their employment opportunities, the performance of the multinational organizations where they operate.

Marie Bednaříková, Michal Paták, Lenka Součková: 
Satisfaction of Company Employees.
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The employment is our everyday duty and we spend a substantial part of our lives there. Our job satisfaction together with other factors, such as family, friends or interests therefore is reflected in the overall life satisfaction. To enjoy our job commitment, our job motivation is crucial. The reasons, why to go to work, may differ with different people. Someone´s reason is to financially secure their family, another one´s reason rests in joy and sense of purpose gained from work, someone simply wants to develop career. The motivations differ and mostly they come in combinations. Motivation is a broad term and its explanation is the least satisfactory of all psychological notions. It is insufficiently explained because it is related to the most complex mental processes that are extremely difficult to be isolated. Motivation cannot be precisely watched neither measured therefore we can only judge according to people´s behaviour. It is closely connected with their working attitudes, working performance etc. Satisfaction of employees was researched in Pacific Direct, s.r.o. (ltd.) in Holice and the process was maintained via use of up-to-date statistic software.

Benedykt Bober: 
Human Resources Management in the Network Organization in the Conditions of the Reform of Health Service on the Example of Public Hospitals.
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The present paper brings closer the concept of the network of public hospital as a response to the turbulence of the environment. The implementation of the principles of creating the network organization enables effective use of rare resources in the process of providing hospital services and the advanced ICT technologies. The success of the network is determined by specialization, mutual trust, work culture, complex cost management and rapidity and effectiveness of exchange of resources within the network. The common feature is the cooperation of various autonomic organizational units, the established principles of formalization and coordination of tasks in the diagnostic and therapeutic processes.
Important idea of the paper is Charles Darwin’s statement: „It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” On the basis of the conducted research and the analysis of the documentation of the surveyed entities, are (at the conclusion part of paper) formulated a lot of conclusions, which indicate that the presented aspects of the complex human resources management and the functioning of the network organization requires significant attention from the management and medical staff, authorized to take adequate decisions.

Gabriella Lovász: 
An Innovative Method in Hands of Human Resource Professionals.
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The subject matter of this article is related to a so-called alternative dispute resolution method. Based on the ADR techniques mediation also contains a really big decision making competency for the parties. The neutral mediator helps for the procedure to be able to stay between peaceful frames. Nevertheless the parties work out a common solution conception, and the mediator only facilitates the process in most cases. At the same time mediation, mediators’ skills and characteristics of the conflicts or dispute illustrate that the human resources professionals can use this toolbar successfully, too. This article demonstrates some Hungarian labour mediators’ notices and a company labour dispute with win-win solution due to mediation and its techniques continuously following up what kind of skills needed to be a HR ‘mediator’. The HR professionals concerned surely recognise that mostly it is about similar situations to those occurring in their business environment and their role inside of a company. Hopefully this tool helps them to settle conflicts and disputes on their workplaces.

Katarzyna Olejniczak, Justyna Majchrzak-Lepczyk: 
Social Responsibility as the Factor of Competitive Advantage of Public Entities.
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In the era of the increased competition, and also progressing globalization, the effective and particularly responsible activities of enterprises become the condition which is necessary for further development. Unfortunately, the success of many organizations (both public and commercial ones) is burdened with scandals. The response to the increasing social awareness has become the increasingly popular concept of corporate social responsibility. This follows from the fact that today the company cannot and should not only build economic value of long-term strategy to raise profits, but also take into account social and environmental aspects of the management strategy. Corporate social responsibility is the concept according to which enterprises voluntarily impose on themselves the duty of responsibility for local community and environment they operate in. In the broad sense of social responsibility means taking such actions, which bring economic benefits while engaging organizations in a balanced development, working with employees, the public in order to improve their lives. Therefore, one can assume that social responsibility is a concept according to which the enterprises, in their business activities, should take into consideration social problems and environmental protection and act on the principle of voluntariness with all the interested parties. Due to this fact, the concept of social responsibility should become an integral part of any business activities and their everyday practice. Particularly important is social responsibility of the state authorities, who, while ignoring this trend – fail in their statutory obligations towards the society and the environment. The present paper discusses social responsibility on the example of public entities.

Asta Savaneviciene, Zivile Stankeviciute: 
The Disclosure of Sustainability and Human Resource Management Linkage.
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The debate on the link between sustainability and human resource management is getting more and more attention in the academic level and among practitioners. The stimulus for emerging a new concept – sustainable human resource management – is related with wide range of the reasons (as the negative effect of human resource management on human resources) and these motifs are the object of the analysis in this paper. Due to the fact that there is no consensus on definition of sustainable human resource management, the concept is viewed in the plenty of ways and different models of sustainable human resource management are proposed. The paper aims to examine theoretically the link between sustainability and human resource management by analysing the various constituents of sustainable human resource management and by introducing the model for sustainable human resource management, which encompasses the characteristics of the concept and the negative outcomes of human resource management on individuals.

Andrius Valickas, Vladimiras Gražulis: 
Career Development in Civil Service: Theoretical Insights and Empirical Investigation.
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Career development is an inseparable part of the system of Human resource management of any social organization. The basic idea underlying the contemporary model of career development is that dynamically changing organizations, including public sector organizations, and dynamically developed careers of the employees, must be considered the phenomena complementing each other (Gražulis & Valickas, 2010). This provision obligates to treat the careers of employees not as that is easily predicted and controlled, but as the relations maintenance and development with the employees, seeking for mutual benefits for both the employees and organizations. The aim of this research was to carry out empirical analysis of individual level career development factors in civil service of Lithuania and to determine their level of expression and the mechanisms of their interaction. This enables to ascertain the main problems within the career development system of the Lithuanian civil service and to suggest new scientifically grounded principles for civil servants career formation in the context of reform of human resource management in the Lithuanian civil service. The data of empirical investigation indicate that even though systemic career development in the civil service is one of the most important factors determining effectiveness of the system of civil service, the factual system of career development within the Lithuanian civil service is not benevolent for managerial potential development. The Lithuanian civil service is currently not functioning as the united space of career possibilities. Such a situation is not favourable from the standpoint of civil servants learning and talents’ management. This enables to identify unfavourable assumptions in the system of career development of civil service, which can lead to losing of certain part of human resources due to career development imperfections. This is especially true speaking about the highest quality human resources, which are on demand in private and non-governmental sectors.

José Luis Vázquez, Carlota L. Aza, Ana Lanero: 
Responsible Human Resources Management in the University – A View of Spanish Students.
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This paper reviews previous literature on University Social Responsibility (USR) and the impacts-based model and uses it to analyze the view of students regarding human resources management (HRM) as internal impact of social responsibility in the university. In doing that, a self-reporting study with a sample of 400 Spanish undergraduates at the University of León was conducted. Descriptive analysis revealed that awareness of the importance of responsible human management in the university is notably widespread among students, whereas some significant gaps exist between perceived and desired importance awarded to issues like professional development and continuing education for faculty and staff, economic management transparency and procurement of supplies and services under responsible and sustainable criteria.
It means, three main conclusions of this paper can be stressed: 1. Awareness of the importance of responsible human management in organizations is notably widespread among students, thus reaffirming the idea that socially responsible internal activities contribute to universities’ ability to satisfy for their students, improve their prestige and attract new students. 2. Items most demanded by students are: economic management transparency, procurement of supplies and services under responsible and sustainable criteria and professional development and continuing education for faculty and staff because a good professors, sustainable supplies and understanding of the entire university internal management generate trust and better quality in the organization. 3. There exist some gaps between perceived and desired importance awarded to HRM practices in University. Thus, universities should do an effort to be transparent and inform all their stakeholders on their internal management with the aim to get their loyalty and trust. Implications of these results are discussed.

Agata Wołowska: 
Determinants of Organizational Commitment.
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The paper deals with a topic of organizational commitment. It is viewed as one of the basic concepts describing the relationship between an employee and an organization. According to Meyer and Allen (1997), all dimensions of commitment concern a relationship between an individual and an organization and an individual’s desire to remain in it or to abandon it, however, the strength of each dimension is conditioned by different factors. Model of organizational commitment consists in distinguishing following three commitment components: affective, continuance, and normative commitment. From this point of view, paper also deals determinants of organizational commitment in the light of research.
The main objective of presented research was to search for determinants of organizational commitment. As was mentioned above, in the research, Meyer and Allen three-component model of organizational commitment was used. The data for this study were collected from 330 Polish employees holding different forms of employment: classic employment (N = 198) and temporary work (N = 132). Participants were recruited from two organizations: state company (N = 205) and a private company (N = 125). The research has shown that work locus of control, breach of psychological contract and psychological climate had a significant influence on organizational commitment.