Contents  1/2013     Contents  2/2013

Jakub Soviar:  Editorial.

Milan Droppa, Jaroslava Bučková: 
The Impact of Regional Culture on Students of Management.
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Anna Kachaňáková, Katarína Stachová, Zdenko Stacho: 
Present State of Organisational Arrangement of Human Resources Management.
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Alžbeta Kucharčíková: 
Managerial Approaches to Understanding the Human Capital.
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Tomasz Leszek Nawrocki, Mariusz Zieliński: 
Information Policy of Listed Companies Regarding Human Resources – Evidence from Poland.
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Sharon Pande, Saumya Bansal, Gaurav Gupta: 
A Mis-Fit: Case of Sexual Harassment at the Workplace.
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Aneta Sokół: 
Identification of Determinants of Creative Activity Sectors Development in Polish Regions on Example of West Pomeranian Voivodship.
[abstract]   [article]

Renata Stasiak-Betlejewska: 
Vocational Education and Training in Poland in the Context of European Policy.
[abstract]   [article]

Danuta Szwajca: 
Corporate Social Responsibility Versus Marketing – Theoretical and Practical Perspective.
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José Luis Vázquez, Ana Lanero, María P. García: 
Expectations of Responsible Human Resources Management in three Institutional Contexts – A Survey Study in Spain.
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Dagmar Vidriková, Kamil Boc: 
Perspective of Development of Services in Private Security and Necessity of Classification of new Types of Positions in this Sphere in Slovak Republic.
[abstract]   [article]

 Abstracts  2/2013   

Milan Droppa, Jaroslava Bučková: 
The Impact of Regional Culture on Students of Management.
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National and regional cultures are a key factor for the management of multicultural and multinational organizations. We can understand the variety of national and regional cultures. Culture is „software of the human mind“. Programming the human mind is an important factor in verbal expressions of man, his acts and behaviour. Culture is a collective phenomenon. National and regional culture is a key phenomenon of leadership. The dimensions of national and regional cultures are very important. We can also consider with a power distance. Index of power distance is an indicator of relationships and interdependencies respectively independence and emotional proximity respectively distance between subordinates and superiors. Important is an individualism and collectivism. It present an index of individualism and collectivism as an indicator of preference for individual needs and interests of society against the interests and needs of the group or society.
The devotion is oriented to masculinity versus femininity. From this point of view, an index of masculinity and femininity is an indicator of the roles of men and women that society prefers and supports, and deal with attributive values, and the men and women valued companies. Interesting is to consider an uncertainty in this field. Index of uncertainty avoidance is an indicator of tolerance of uncertainty, respectively. Presented is also an uncertainties perception of new and unknown situations, a time orientation while an index of time orientation is an indicator of degree of focus on traditional values, their implementation in terms of time.

Anna Kachaňáková, Katarína Stachová, Zdenko Stacho: 
Present State of Organisational Arrangement of Human Resources Management.
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Good functioning of the human resources management presupposes creation of adequate organisational preconditions, involving the existence of human resources management department, its size, structure and responsibility, established with regard to particular conditions of the given organisation. However, human resources management departments have to increasingly prove effectiveness of their functioning and demonstrate their impact in organisational management at the time of crisis. We can assume that besides other reasons, this situation is due to the overall trend of delegation of several human resources management activities to line management, caused by the need of fast and flexible management of people, management levels reduction, the need to draw more attention to motivation and engagement of employees as well as increased selection and monitoring of costs in relation to activities of individual departments. Also in the sphere of human resources management, we have to get used to changes and learn to cope with new impulses and situations occurred in the world economy globalisation process. At present, that predominantly includes spreading effects of global financial and economic crisis, influencing all spheres of life in Slovakia. Handling this situation presupposes flexibility in assessment of changes in environment where organisations operate, ability to detect all positive as well as negative impacts and situations, and formulation of measures to enhance their own position sensibly and cautiously. Due to the need of focusing of organisations on comprehensive arrangement of human resources management, in questionnaire researches, we focused on finding out whether and to what extent organisations operating in Slovakia focus on human resources management arrangement.

Alžbeta Kucharčíková: 
Managerial Approaches to Understanding the Human Capital.
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Human capital is defined as the sum of congenital and acquired skills, knowledge, skill, talent, inventiveness that an individual uses to value creation in companies. Human capital is important intangible asset of enterprises. There are many approaches to understanding human capital. As human capital is perceived at the enterprise level, experts generally understand human capital through management perspective. In business practice begins to introduce the concept of human capital management and software companies offer applications in this field.
The aim of the article is to describe the results of research aimed at monitoring and comparing ideas and approaches to the management of human capital. Article also explains the difference between the understanding of human resource management and human capital management. Some software companies already offer software applications for human capital management, for this reason article describes and compares the importance of information systems of human capital management for companies.

Tomasz Leszek Nawrocki, Mariusz Zieliński: 
Information Policy of Listed Companies Regarding Human Resources – Evidence from Poland.
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The aim of the article is to present the results of information policy evaluation carried out in public companies with respect to human resources issues. In the general sense the evaluation was conducted by verification of information value of annual reports for 2012, published by companies listed on Warsaw Stock Exchange. The verification was based on the criteria of human capital evaluation specified in the literature. The obtained results show that with respect to the surveyed companies, the scope of the revealed information allows for a good orientation within HR issues only with respect to the number of people employed and costs of their employment. Considerable shortages in information policy refer to the issue of human capital management, staff rotation, structure of employment as well as staff development through training programmes. At the same time it should be noticed that a slightly bit more open HR information policy can be observed in case of large companies i.e. with capitalisation exceeding 250 million euros, and companies belonging to chemical and bank sector.

Sharon Pande, Saumya Bansal, Gaurav Gupta: 
A Mis-Fit: Case of Sexual Harassment at the Workplace.
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A case study deals with topic of sexual harassment in India. „Sexual Harassment” – a stigma which was prevalent both in organized and unorganized sector since eons, always carried a social taboo which hampered its discussion. The women workforce of many companies was at the receiving end of the torturous behavior of their peer and boss but never raised their voice against it. In India, it was only after legal consideration by Supreme Court in August, 1997 that the problem of sexual harassment was thought upon and took a standardized approach towards curbing it. The court of jurisdiction of different nations has framed different policies for sexual harassment. Every law defines sexual harassment in a different way but the sole aim is to comfort women in their respective workplaces. One’s „gender” should not become a restriction for one to work. It is breaching the principles of human rights.

Aneta Sokół: 
Identification of Determinants of Creative Activity Sectors Development in Polish Regions on Example of West Pomeranian Voivodship.
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Currently, it is more and more noticeable that development of regions involves using endogenous resources and potential. Here, a significant consideration is given to development of factors of intangible nature. In this context, literature of a subject frequently presents influence of intangibles on development of regions; however, analysis of the creative sector, which significance in creating value added in the region seems to be unquestionable, is rare. In reference to aforementioned, the article is focused on presenting influence of this sector on development of Zachodniopomorskie Province. Verification of set goals was conducted based on analysis of literature of a subject and surveys conducted in the group of entrepreneurs operating in SME in the creative industries.
It may be said that development of the creative sector in regions depends on many factors with direct or indirect influence. There is emphasized the significance of this phenomenon in economic processes indicating its superior role in reference to financial capital, which may be measured. For more effective development of discussed sector in Polish regions, some actions should be taken in order to increase activity of business entities acting within the creative industries on a given territory, but in particular it refers to: facilitating access to external financing sources of research and development operations, creating function of Ambassadors of Creativity, supporting development of infrastructure/tools, which allow development of a creative sector, supporting development of the information society, focusing scientific research environment on the purpose of creativity development, promoting cooperation of world of scientists with world of a creative sector, propagating benefits resulting from cooperation within creative sectors among business entities, etc.

Renata Stasiak-Betlejewska: 
Vocational Education and Training in Poland in the Context of European Policy.
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One of the challenge for the Polish vocational education and training system since the Polish accession to the European Union is not only to provide the skilled, well qualified staff to the labor market for various sectors of the national economy. The membership in open economic and cultural European market commits Poland to implement European strategic documents in Polish conditions to support European labour conditions and create the labour market in accordance of European requirements. Different European documents call for changes in the education system including the modernization of vocational training. The documents, which strongly emphasize the links between education and the labor market are White Paper on Education and Training and the White Paper „A new impetus for European youth”. White Papers consider importance of education and training to Europe in the current context of technological and economic change and the guidelines for action in the pursuit of objectives to build up high-quality education and training. The most important problem pointed in those documents and article research findings is significant lack of strong connection between European policy guidelines and vocational education and vocational training effects, what results in the lack of appropriate number of vocational schools and trainings. Changes of vocational education system, pointed by employers, are connected with getting more qualified workers and changes in trainings’ profiles to obtain key skills.
The article presents not only research findings concerning Polish vocational education activity results with regard the labor market demand, but also research findings about the involvement of enterprises in continuing vocational training of employees, increasing the knowledge of the development needs and barriers in access to training and also contributing to intensification of efforts for the development of the employees. Research findings presented in the article are among others the result of research project concerning the employment problems in the construction industry.

Danuta Szwajca: 
Corporate Social Responsibility Versus Marketing – Theoretical and Practical Perspective.
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The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has appeared as a reaction to negative effects of globalization processes and technological progress as well as unfair business practices, noticed especially within the field of marketing. In the light of CSR idea, marketing and practices of company’s market operations met with sharp criticism of numerous groups, including primarily customer groups. In relation to the above, new solutions in the sphere of theory and practice started to appear. A reply to the allegations against marketing in the sphere of theory is the concepts of social marketing and Marketing 3.0. This article presents assumptions of those concepts, including a new paradigm related to the relationship between the customer and the company as well as a review of practical activities of CSR in the area of marketing which are called “good practices”.
CSR solutions which are being implemented in many companies in the field of marketing are separate, occasional actions aimed only at improving the image of a company. However, effective application of CSR principles requires planning of those activities on the level of corporate strategy integrating three areas: Marketing, Public Relations and Human Resources, and the expenditure on these purposes should be considered in terms of long-term investments and not costs.

José Luis Vázquez, Ana Lanero, María P. García: 
Expectations of Responsible Human Resources Management in three Institutional Contexts – A Survey Study in Spain.
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While implications of corporate social responsibility for marketing in private firms have been deepely investigated, fewer efforts have been devoted to clarify citizens’ perceptions of responsibility within public settings, including public administrations and universities. At the same time, while most previous research on socially responsible consumer behavior has been mainly centered on societal and ecological concerns, less is known about the responsibilities attributed by citizens to organizations in the relationship with other stakeholders, especially the internal staff. To fill these gaps in previous literature, this paper is aimed to analyze citizens’ expectations of responsible human resources management (HRM) as internal expression of corporate social responsibility in three types of organizations, namely, private firms, public administrations and universities.
According to this purpose, three survey studies were conducted in Spain. Participants on the two first surveys were general citizens, as main interlocutors of private firms and public administrations. In the third survey, we collected data from a sample of university students, as main stakeholders of higher education institutions. Findings confirm that, with independence of the institutional setting, citizens’ awareness of the importance of responsible HRM is especially marked regarding the practices of risk prevention and promotion of health and safety at work, professional development and lifelong learning, and respect for diversity and equal opportunities. Further, a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) carried out to test the effect of the institutional context on the social perception of responsible HRM shows remarkable differences between the practices expected by citizens within private firms, public administrations and universities. Implications of the study and suggestions for further research are discussed.

Dagmar Vidriková, Kamil Boc: 
Perspective of Development of Services in Private Security and Necessity of Classification of new Types of Positions in this Sphere in Slovak Republic.
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Article deals with perspective of development of services in private security and necessity of creation of new type positions in this field. It put attention to the unemployment in Slovak Republic and other countries. From this point of view, article also refers to importance of security industry on national as well as international level. One of the goals types of positions creation in conditions of Slovak Republic is creation of perspective of employment in private security based on connection between education and practice with gradual quality increase of services in private security by their providers.
One of the goals that creation of types of positions in conditions of Slovak Republic sets is generation of perspective of employment in private security sphere based on connection between education and practice with consecutive increase of quality in private security services by its providers. Described types of positions respect legitimate requirements of both the society and the employers and create preconditions for stabilization private security services employees and their career growth. They respond to current negative development of employment in Slovak Republic as well as in other member countries of European Union.