Contents  1/2009    Contents  2/2009 

Marie Bednaříková:  Editorial  (Czech).

Martina Blašková, Rudolf Blaško: 
Dynamical Model of Human Potential Motivation.
[abstract]   [article]

Stanisław Borkowski, Dorota Pieszczoch, Magdalena Mazur: 
Motivating Personnel by Performance Review.
[abstract]   [article]

Irena Figurska: 
Knowledge Management as a Challenge for Human Resources Management.
[abstract]   [article]

Pavol Gejdoš: 
Increasing the Quality of Education Through Improving of Universities Performance in Slovakia.
[abstract]   [article]

Ľubomír Ivan: 
Influence of Work Injuries and Illnesses on Economical and Time Aspect of the Work.
[abstract]   [article]

Ewa Matuska: 
Managing of Skills in a Company from Perspective of European Labour Market.
[abstract]   [article]

Andrea Pohanková: 
Motivation Program as Basis for Successful Motivating in the Organization.
[abstract]   [article]

Róbert Sedmák, Miloš Hitka, Denis Jelačić, Kristina Bičanić: 
The Comparison of Antrophometric Attributes of University Population in Slovak Republic and Croatia (Slovak).
[abstract]   [article]

Edita Szombathyová: 
Usage of the Lighting Intensity Study in Space Layout of the Workplace.
[abstract]   [article]

 Abstracts  2/2009   

Martina Blašková, Rudolf Blaško: 
Dynamical Model of Human Potential Motivation.
[contents]   [article]
The article deals with theme of dynamical aspects of the human potential motivation. It is concentrated to an identification of the motivation understood from the viewpoint of the dynamics. The dynamics is defined as a harmonized or confronted, natural or on the contrary enforced system of the moves, events, relations, and efforts those run in the thinking, behavior, and interactions of the individuals and groups. The motivation in the point of view of the dynamics is very complicated phenomenon that influences and is influenced by changes of other organizational factors. The article also presents results of the newest research realized by authors in condition of Slovak organization. The basic hypothesis of this research is a premise that the motivation of human potential fulfills the characteristics of the dynamics, it means, it is changeable, it is influenced by many factors in time, and it develops. In the creative part of article, this one contents the new definition of the motivation: motivation is multilevel determining, absorbing in information, identifying, initiating, intensifying, confronting, realizing, and cognitive complex and simultaneously dynamical process. This part also presents the dynamical model of the human potential motivation, with many dynamic relations, elements, and influences.

Stanisław Borkowski, Dorota Pieszczoch, Magdalena Mazur: 
Motivating Personnel by Performance Review.
[contents]   [article]
This study shows the results of self-evaluation and evaluation of employees of a service company. It has been proven that the differences between the evaluations were only minor. The subject entity employs young, ambitious people willing to get additional qualifications, punctual, awaiting instructions from their supervisors. The system of the assessment is interesting and worth spreading. This system consists in the spot assessment of the same problems by workers and superiors. Arising differences between assessments are attesting to the approach to studied area by judging sides.

Irena Figurska: 
Knowledge Management as a Challenge for Human Resources Management.
[contents]   [article]
With civilization development various resources were considered most important. Today knowledge is considered strategic for both economies and organizations ipso facto its effective management is gaining tremendous meaning. Knowledge is both created and used by people, hence human resources management plays a vital role in knowledge management.
The objective of this paper is to point what challenges human resources management faces within the context of implementing knowledge management in organizations. The essence of knowledge and human resources management has been discussed as well as the connections among the specified areas of organization management have been indicated. It has also been mentioned what actions within the area of human resources management should be taken to create appropriate conditions for knowledge management.

Pavol Gejdoš: 
Increasing the Quality of Education Through Improving of Universities Performance in Slovakia.
[contents]   [article]
This article deal with the problem of using CAF model – The Common Assessment Framework as an important tool of self-evaluation of quality in organization of public sector and use quality management techniques to improve organizations performance. This model is applied in condition of the Technical University in Zvolen, there are selected two valuation criteria’s – employees and results bearing on employees. It is an important premise that specific categories of organizations are universities because their performance depends on educational level of their customers, especially students, who acquired his knowledge in applied business practice. CAF model allows organizations to systematically improve their performance also universities in Slovakia and thus contribute to better satisfy customer needs, business practices and society as a whole.

Ľubomír Ivan: 
Influence of Work Injuries and Illnesses on Economical and Time Aspect of the Work.
[contents]   [article]
The aim of the submitted article is to analyze how the work injuries occurrence, occupational diseases and others illnesses influence the economical and time aspect of the work. The exact analysis has been done for area of the University Forest Enterprise TU in Zvolen (VšLP) for the time period from 1977 to 2004. The main analyzed factors are: work injuries, occupational diseases, illnesses, share of nonusage time for injuries and illnesses, hazardous workplace, costs to personal protective work equipment. The highest amount of compensations was recorded in 1997 and reached 16,492 Slovak Crones per cause. The largest share of working time nonusage caused by work injury and illness was recorded in 1995 which was 9.3 % of total working time. The highest costs for personal protective equipment purchase were evaluated in 1999 with the amount of 4,990 Slovak Crones per worker.

Ewa Matuska: 
Managing of Skills in a Company from Perspective of European Labour Market.
[contents]   [article]
The aim of article is to add some points to the discussion on the appropriate actions in regards to investment in human resources management, the proper managing of skills in companies in context of internal European labour market. The content takes a look how to protect and develop human capital in company at the same time and hove to mitigate the negative impacts of actual and expected labour shortages on the basis of future staff demands foresight. The current European initiative of the New Skills for New Jobs is shortly described, as well as the problem of skills’ recognition and matching is discussed via the tool for skills’ assessment – European Qualification Frame. An idea is important, that the efforts to monitor and anticipate of labour market and skills requirements are necessary to help – especially temporary unemployed people – to be better adopted on labour market.

Andrea Pohanková: 
Motivation Program as Basis for Successful Motivating in the Organization.
[contents]   [article]
The article deals with determination of the motivation, motivating, and motivation program. The motivation is one of the preconditions for successful and effective work of people at work. Constantly it evolves and varies, depending on conditions in the economic system. The motivating is then a form that operates on motivation and motivators are used as a tool. The motivation program should be formed by every organization that wishes to grow and improve its market position. The prerequisite is to have enough suitable people, enough time and money because even though it is a difficult process, the result may produce unexpected results and positive return on investment. Many people do not want just to make money, they want to belong to something, they want to have a good feeling from the work done, and they want to change something. Culture of organization, atmosphere at work, contributions to culture and sport, the use of services in organzation and others are at the forefront for many employees. Motivating and creation of motivation programs is an actual theme that will change depending on the needs of people and the needs of the economy simultaneously.

Róbert Sedmák, Miloš Hitka, Denis Jelačić, Kristina Bičanić: 
The Comparison of Antrophometric Attributes of University Population in Slovak Republic and Croatia (Slovak).
[contents]   [article]
The statistical analysis of selected antrophometric measures of Slovak and Croatian mature population has been done in the paper. Selected antrophometric attributes are important for making of optimal work environment. Slovak population was represented by sample of students studying at Technical University in Zvolen within the years 2000 – 2009. Croatian sample consisted from University Zagreb. Standard descriptive statistics of size and variability (arithmetic means and standard deviations) for all selected measures were calculated and compared. The statistical testing showed that dimensions of selected antrophometric attributes in investigated populations are comparable. In Slovak data it exists slight tendency to greater variability. We suppose that this fact is mainly due to smaller sample size of Croatian data.

Edita Szombathyová: 
Usage of the Lighting Intensity Study in Space Layout of the Workplace.
[contents]   [article]
Lightening is a very important factor of work environment. Optimal lightening intensity contributes to eyesight protection. It also enables employees to perform good work performance, what increases working productivity. The document deals with the usage of the lightening intensity study in space layout of workplaces. It points out the possibility of connection the spatial study with light intensity study. This solution brings the productivity increasing to work system human ľ maschine ľ environment. Sight perception of the observed events and objects is influenced by three basic components: condition of the sight analyser, condition of the observed object, and lighting. Optimal lighting of the worksite must consider the type and the sight demand factor of the work carried out, and is an important precondition in order to achieve the sight comfort for workers.