Organizational committee of the conference:

Mgr Anna PILECKA – SAWCZUK (Chair)
Higher Hanseatic School of Management, Poland

Higher Hanseatic School of Management, Poland

Mgr Mariola KLACZAK
Higher Hanseatic School of Management, Poland

Important deadlines:

  5th May 2014  

Registration. Sending completed application form by e-mail, including the designation of the food and accommodation booking.

  5th May 2014  

Paper sending. Sending of paper by e-mail.

  5th May 2014  

Decision of scientific committee of paper acceptation. Sending information of paper acceptation and assigned identification number of the participant.

  30th April 2014  

Payment. Payment of conference fee.

  25th – 26th June 2014  

Conference session. Conference session at Higher Hanseatic School of Management, Poland.

Conference languages:

English, Polish.

Publication languages:

English, Polish, Slovak, Czech, German, Russian.

Conference fee:

  80 €  
Participation in the conference (includes paper processing, review, print conference proceedings, organizational costs, refreshments during the conference).

  55 €  
Fee for members of the international academic network HPD CEEUS and members of the Conference Scientific Committee (includes all elements of conference participating).

  55 €  
Fee for PhD students (includes all elements of participating in the conference).

  50 €  
Passive participation = papers publication in proceedings (including paper processing, review, printing and distribution of conference proceedings).

Organizational guidelines:

The 11th annual international conference of Human Potential Development will take place on 25th – 26th June 2014 in the conference room of the Higher Hanseatic School of Management in Słupsk – Poland, Str. Kozietulskiego 6-7.

The conference is to be lodged by 15 April 2014 in accordance with dispositions in the attached application form and by payment of the conference fee (including VAT) to the account of the Treasury:

Acount number: 60 1090 2763 0000 0001 0146 4644
Organization identification number: 0619004063
Identification number VAT: 839-10-36-643
IBAN: PL60109027630000000101464644
BIC-swift code: WBKPPLPP

Into the message, please include: Name of participant and assigned identifier (ID).

Food and accommodation during the conference can be ordered in the application and pay during the presentation, or on the reception of hotel.


Higher Hanseatic School of Management
ul. Kozietulskiego 6-7
76-200 Słupsk

++421 41 5134455, ++421 41 5134459 (from abroad).
+48 696 444 860 (from Poland).