Instructions to Authors 

The scientific journal HRM&E accepts the scientific papers presenting the relevant results of an original, theoretical and applied research containing the valuable and inspiring outputs of the scientific, analytically creative effort of the authors in the area of human resources/human potential and ergonomics management and development to be published.

Only the papers written in the English language shall be accepted. The papers´ author shall be solely responsible for originality and scientific and formal correctness.

It is impossible to publish the papers in this journal which have already been published in a different journal. Due to the above mentioned reason, it is necessary that the author delivers a declaration of originality of the papers, the compliance with the copyright and not had been published yet in a different publishing with their papers.

Use MS Office Word (minimum version 2010) or LibreOffice while editing your papers. You can use the following hrme-en.docx.

Write the text of the papers in the Times New Roman font 12 pt, line spacing 1, justified (2.5 cm far from the edge of a page), number the names of the chapters, paragraphs and sub-paragraphs and write them also in the Times New Roman font, 12 pt, bold, and align them to the left-hand side.

Pages do not need to be numbered; the editorial office will insert them in the papers, including the head (1.25cm) and foot (1.25cm).

The papers should be arranged according to the following scheme:

  • Title of the papers (Times New Roman, 14 pt, bold, capital letters, left justified).

  • Author´s name (Times New Roman, 12 pt, bold, capital letters, left justified), according to the pattern:

  • Abstract (summary containing 20 to 25 lines – Times New Roman, 11 pt, justified), according to the pattern:

  • Key words (10 words max., 11 pt, justified), according to the pattern:

  • JEL Classification (classification of the papers according to the International Classification System JEL – Times New Roman, 11pt) according to the pattern:

  • Introduction (the first chapter) should contain the introduction into the topic, scientific intention (or hypothesis) of the article and the ways to achieve them, scientific methods and processes used in the article.

  • The body of the papers (divided into chapters, paragraphs, sub-paragraphs, including diagrams, figures and tables), headings 14 pt, bold, left justified; text 12 pt, justified).

  • Conclusion (brief summary of expected results).

  • Acknowledgement/references (optional acknowledgement or references to scientific projects etc.), Times New Roman, 11 pt, justified according to the pattern:

  • Reference – in english language (a list of the used literature resources should be stated in accordance with the practice of the reputable world journals, including ISBN and ISSN, it is recommended to use or refer to 25–30 literature resources), Times New Roman, 11 pt, justified according to the pattern:

  • Author´s / authors´, name and surname (including academic degrees), the address of the work place (or another contact address), e-mail address, Times New Roman, 12 pt, justified according to the pattern:

    In the paper, it is needed to keep following instructions:

  • The tables and diagrams should be numbered in the sequence and the references to them should be mentioned in the text, the name of a table or a diagram shall be written in Italics in the Times New Roman font, 11 pt and justified left.

    Both figures and diagrams must be clear also in black and white. The pictures should be grouped, in case of a table, the source data (for potential modification of the diagram image), should be delivered, too. All figures and diagrams should have the resource stated, i.e. in case of an adopted figure, the exact resource should be specified (author, title of the publication, place of publishing, publishing office, year of publishing, quoted page number), in case of own figure or diagram the own processing should be stated as a resource. Please do not give the tables in the form of the inserted images but as the tables of the Office.

  • In the text of the papers a shortened quotation reference should be stated in brackets, written in Italics, stating the author´s name, the year of publishing and the quoted page number, e.g.: The motivation is a unique phenomenon of current entrepreneurship (Blašková, 2012: 44–45).

  • The recommended extent of the papers amounts the even number 12–15 pages of A4 form, including diagrams, figures and tables. The extent bigger than specified herein should be consulted with the draft committee of the journal. Send the papers by e-mail to the publishing office address

    Sample template file for papers:   hrme-en.docx    hrme-en.pdf.