Conference is organized under the auspices of

Dr.h.c. prof. Ing. Tatiana ČOREJOVÁ, PhD.
Rector of University of Žilina

International Academic Network HPD CEEUS
(Human Potential Development in Central and Eastern European Union States)

A goal of the conference

A goal of the 10th year of international scientific conference is knowledge exchange in the area of intentional human potential development and confrontation of the newest theoretical assumptions and actual conditions of the practice, focused on the need to change approaches to the forming, motivation and development of value-creating power of the organization – employees and managers.

Orientation of the conference

  • General issues of the human potential utilization and development (strategic management, human potential, social responsibility of business, ethics in the human potential management, organizational culture, life-long learning and career, positive image of the employer, work performance management, balance of the work and non-working life, flexible organization and flexible employment, personal marketing, HR audit, HR controlling, knowledge management, modern forms of communication, innovation in the utilization and development of human potential and human resources, the current ergonomics and environmental situation in organizations, safety at work).
  • New challenges in the development of human potential and human resources management (confrontation of human potential and capital, creating added value through people, the possibility of human potential measurement and appraisal, investment in human capital, management and leadership, talent management, social media and information-communication technology in the human potential development, human potential and human resources in an era of global recession and social crisis).
  • Inspiration in the evaluation and development of the (potential) quality of university teachers (assessment and evaluation of the university teachers ability, competences and real competence models of teachers in relation to European standards, motivating teachers and develop their potential, develop pedagogical communication skills, stress management and burnout syndrome, removing negative symptoms and elements in the development of universities human potential).

    Important information:

  • The conference is organized under the project Development of quality culture at the University of Žilina based on European standards of higher education (supported by the European Social Fund) and scientific project VEGA no. 1/0067/11 Dynamics and content of decision-making processes in motivating human potential.
  • Selected papers, written in the desired quality, extent and in English, will be published in the international scientific journal Human Resources Management and Ergonomics (magazine is featured in the citation database EBSCOhost ™ and Cabell’s Directories) – if you are interested in this option, your paper should be prepared in accordance with the journal requirements ( This paper will only be published in the journal and will not be included in the conference Proceedings.
  • In order to maintain the required quality of the forthcoming Proceedings, all papers will be reviewed by two unbiased reviewers.